
I have broken my heart ... I really do not want to cry ...

Operators said that even if it? You do not really understand my feelings! This is about my future, my time, your money! I called over there laughing at me! After graduation, I read you can love. I'm okay. But things can not find school so easy! ! Each time this thing as long as the school, you will use this attitude to me. Stupid me! Would that be it? I seem to have lost the way ... do not do that to me ... I have broken my heart ... I really do not want to cry ... I feel that the things I will find my own! ! Do not get me kidding!

4 条评论:

  1. 怎么了?有人取笑你?

  2. 没什么啦^^过去了~不想提了~

  3. haiz....这种情况我12岁考UPSR的时候也有遇过,刚好那年出的考题很难自己又不理会考试所以就........过后哪些长辈就来挖苦我,我在爸妈那边又要挨骂,打。那段时间真是不堪回首,上了中学后我才开始努力,到考PMR他们才没话说。所以,不用理他们的只要上了college努力点来封着他们的口。^^ 我会在这里支持你的。

  4. haha~谢谢你哦~听你这么说真的让我觉得很安慰~XD
